PURPOSE: To encourage, recognize, and promote leadership in pharmacy.
The purpose of Phi Lambda Sigma is to promote leadership qualities, especially among student pharmacists. Through peer recognition, the Society encourages participation in all pharmacy activities. Because membership does not cross fraternal and organizational lines, the Society does not compete with other pharmacy organizations. Phi Lambda Sigma honors leadership, selecting members through peer recognition. No greater honor can be bestowed upon an individual than to be recognized as a leader by one’s peers. Such recognition instills and enhances self-confidence, encourages the less active student to a more active role and promotes greater effort toward the advancement of pharmacy.
The Phi Chapter is represented by the top leaders of the USC Mann School of Pharmacy. Membership is exclusive, and deservingly so, because it reflects the quality of students selected. However, in no way is Phi Lambda Sigma an “officer’s club.” Membership, although exclusive, is not out of reach. Members are chosen into this society, not based on the number of positions held, but on one’s initiative and performance as a leader in all facets of pharmacy. These include, but are not limited to, involvement in professional organizations, committees, organizational activities, and school activities, as well as leadership positions related to pharmacy. The initiation and success of new ideas and activities is highly regarded, since simply holding a position is not necessarily synonymous with being a leader. The ability to work well and communicate with others on a professional basis is fundamental. This support from your colleagues is of utmost importance in order for good ideas to be transformed into actions. We encourage you to become and remain involved in the multitude of organizations on campus. Further, we encourage you to initiate change and push the profession to new heights. If you would like more information, or if you have any questions regarding the society, please do not hesitate to contact us.
Email: [email protected] | Website: uscpls.org
Position | First Name | Last Name | USC Email | Officer Email |
President | Julieanne | Nguyen | [email protected] | [email protected] |
Vice President | John | Chea | [email protected] | [email protected] |
Secretary/Historian | Vicky | Lin | [email protected] | [email protected] |
Treasurer | Harrison | Cheng | [email protected] | [email protected] |
Alumni Liaison | Kalvin | Duong | [email protected] | [email protected] |
Faculty Advisor | Dr. Tam | Phan | [email protected] |